Sunday, July 15, 2007


Ok, here we go! This is my first ever attempt at writting a blog, so bear with me. Things might be slow to start but, hopefully, I'll find my feet and things should start running smoothly! Bit like life in general I suppose.

I'm not setting out to change the world here, I'm starting this blog because I love cats. Especially my own babies, Oliver and Poppy. I think most people I know are used (if not a little tired!) of hearing me ramble on about these two bundles of joy, and so I thought I'd share with a wider audience. At least here you can navigate away from the page, if only my poor family and friends had such an easy option (smile!).

Having said that, I also want to use this blog to share anything I think may be helpful or interesting with other cat lovers out there. Feel free to email relevant articles, advice or tips to me and I'll do my best to post them on here.

I look forward to sharing my day to day experiences of being a cat owner,
though it is said cats own their people, not the other way round ! I recently read a sign that pretty much sums up the difference between cats and dogs...
"Dogs have masters, cats have staff."
I most definitley agree, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Welcome to our world :)

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