Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Poppy Goes to the Vet (again!)


Well Poppy had her trip to the vet yesterday for her booster. She really knows by now that the cat carrier = VET! In the beginning when the carrier came out she happily ran in to it, thinking it was some new hiding place. Now you have to practically shove her in to it and when she arrives at the surgery she refuses to come out!
Is she sticking out her tongue at me!

As well as getting her jab, it was noted that she's putting on a bit of weight. She's always been very small and skinny but since her 'operation' she's filled out a bit which I think really suits her. However we'll have to start watching her figure from now on, as she is quite small she can't really afford to gain too much or she'll go from skinny cat to fat cat!

I bought one of those ribbon type toys today for the two of them to put them through their paces :) I'm hoping to get them running around chasing it, so far they're content to sit in the sun and watch me running around waving it like a looney! Cats have a great knack of making you feel ridiculous!!


Willie_W said...

What a pretty kitty! I had a lovely tabby, named Moggie, who was a little darker than Poppy. (I think they tend to go darker as they get older anyhow). She had a white bib and some dainty white toe socks. Regretably now she is with us only in memory having lived a full life of around 15 years. We still have a kitten from her, now 16 and although creaky and a little bockity, still able to muster some cheek and mischief. I am about to cut up the specially-bought chicken breast we cooked for her earlier today as an old-age treat. They don't get any cheaper to run, nor easier to extract from the carrier at the V.E.T.!

Sandra said...

She is a pretty girl and boy does she know it, hehehe! Oliver our male tabby is just over 3yrs and he is darker, more of a brownish shade to his coat. They are such joys to live with, all cats are I think. Wonderful creatures to share your life with :)

Kitty Cat Cast said...

What a beauty! I ahve a Maine Coon Cat, in fact I have to of these gentle giants. If you'd like to see more of them please visit their podcast blog at:



Sandra said...

Oh my gosh Cal,
Simba & Persia a gorgeous cats! They are huge! I've been skimming through the vidcasts & podcasts on your site and they are really good :) I'm a fan already, I'm adding a link to you on my page :D