Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cutesy Cat Pics


Anyone the knows cats. knows they love to sleep! not only that but they often seem to find the most unusual spots and positions to sleep in :) untitledb

Poppy takes great pleasure in sleeping on top of the clothes horse, Oliver, likes to sleep on the draining board when the dishwasher is on because of the heat :)

A friend sent me an email with these pics today of some other cute kitties catnapping :)




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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am doing a cat tournament!!! All you have to do is take a picture of your cat with your hand showing a thumbs up sign(for proof that it is really your cat). I will be taking the first 32 cat pictures and the tournament will start once I get all 32 pictures. The winner of the Tournament will receive 32 dollars!!! I will pay through paypal but if you don’t have paypal we can work something else out. Your cat picture will go up against another person’s cat picture and depending on how many votes your picture gets compared to your opponents will determine who moves on to the next round. If your interested send your picture to along with the NAME of your Cat. Join fast before the 32 spots are filled up!!!