Saturday, March 1, 2008

That Darn Cat!!

FrazzledCat Poppy seems to be going through some sort of destructive phase! (I pause as I type to try and stop her knocking over a lamp!)

Her war on inanimate household objects has a high casualty list, so far we've lost:

1 Bottle of Olive Oil - tipped off kitchen work top

2 Wine glasses - 1 knocked from kitchen shelf, 1 from wine cabinet

1 Ornament - Arm can be glued back on

1 Tall Tumbler Glass - Kitchen counter (again)!

The glass in our favourite picture frame - pushed off the top of the telly.

The cordless phone  met a watery death too when it was tipped by the Popster into the toilet!

Now, I've look this up on the Internet. Apparently it is not unusual cat behaviour, which is comforting.  I'm glad to know I'm not the only half crazed cat lover out there frantically gluing bits of things back together!

I've read it's the cats way of acting out their natural instinct to hunt. I've also read some cats do it because they enjoy the entertainment value it gives them, ie seeing me scramble to catch something before it hits the floor or the wonderful crashing noise glass makes when it hits a tiles!! Either way it can be a sign of boredom, this coupled with the fact that I worry she will hurt herself or Oliver is worrying.

I'm trying some new tactics at the moment. First of all I've removed most of the tempting breakable from shelf edges, TV tops, window sills etc. I'm also really trying to make extra playtime with her to try and tire her out and keep her active. If anyone out there has any helpful suggestions or advice, please share it!

If all else fails I could just glue everything down!

Oh and I've got the flu :(


Anonymous said...

If you take 20 mins each day just to play with them, give em a good ole run around. Because your cats are indoors, they will run out of things to do. One of my cats goes around slamming and closing doords when he is looking for attention :) I leave them out during the day and keep them in at night. They have a little flap to get in and out of during the day.

Sandra said...

Trinity, thanks dor the advice. I'm trying to do just that. I play quite a bit with them as is, but now I'm trying to spend extra time playing with Poppy, having her chase around after a ribbon toy and so on. I'd love if she had the opportunity to go outside, but we live on the 3rd floor of an apartment block in the city centre, so that's not really an option at the moment. She does seem better these past two days, so maybe the playing is working :D