Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter and the Two Nosey Cats

Poppy wants to see what happens next..

If there is one thing I could say about cats, it would be that they love to be involved in everything! When I'm changing the bed linen, Poppy loves to try and run in and out under the duvet cover, when I'm in the bath or shower, both cats perch themselves either on the edge of the bath or on the sink.

They seem to be able to pick up on the mood and atmosphere of whats going on too. Last night the atmosphere in this home was one of excitement to be sure ! The last Harry Potter book being released was an event I've looked forward to since the last book two years ago. And it did not disappoint :) By 2am myself Oliver and Poppy were happily curled up in bed reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! OK, I was reading, they were busy smelling the book and to be honest Poppy was probably more interested in the paper bag the book came in, as it made a very good hiding place for her to jump out and ambush Oliver from! Maybe she'll appreciate the books more when she's older, hehehe!

Today we're having a very lazy day, after last nights excitement. The 3hr wait in the queue outside Easons on Cruises Street, was actually good fun. Despite the fact that we were too far back to see the fire eater and the snake. We did get to see two amazing owls though. One was a baby, just 6 weeks old, but surprisingly big at that. More importantly I got a Stinger bar when they were giving out goodies to people :) I haven't had one of them in ages!
The simple things that make people happy, hey?

Speaking of what makes us happy, I think I'm going to get back to my book for a while. I want to get it finished by Monday, so I can avoid hearing Plot Spoilers from meanies out there!

Chapter 6 here I come....

The Queue



Anonymous said...

aww I love cats, I've two little floozies myself. In relation to one of your previous posts, I'd consider changing vets! especially if the vet 'stapled' your cat. And they shouldn't be still there after a couple of weeks! It sounds like your cat picked up a virus or infection shortly after being neutered. Usually a female cat will bounce back a day after being neutered and stitches are usually dissolving ones or very light ones. Male cats don't even need stitches as the incision is microscopic. You can tell if you cat is a little under the weather if you check their gums... they will be very red, compared to the usual pink/whitish colour. An antibiotic will clear this fairly quickly :)

Sandra said...

I have to say, I was a bit concerned at the time about the staples, but to be fair her wound healed up really nicely, very neat. She's totally back to herself now. Thanks for the tip about checking the gums :)

Anonymous said...

Lucky cat! She got her copy before I did!... Nice start to your blog :)

Anonymous said...

well good to hear that she is healing well. It sounds like a vet I used a few years back when I got one of my female cats neutered. He used the same concoction, liquid parafin etc. I never went back again and changed vets. It took that little cat at the time about two weeks before she could move around properly. I changed vets. I thought the same procedure would be in place when I got another neutered and I was stunned at the difference and the recovery rate. It's probably just his way of doing things but it's the old way and there is no need for the poor cat to take longer to heal or feel uncomfortable. At least she is back to herself so all should be well :)