My first cat is Mojo. She is about 11 now. We got her from the pound. We didn't even have to go in to the area of where all the cats were to know we wanted her. We saw her sitting in the window shaking so badly from being scared. We have had her for 2 years now. She is a big sookie cat. She loves to be patted. She loves watching TV with you. If you lay on the couch with your legs up she is right there all stretched out on them. Man she is a bit heavy too once she is asleep. She hates change. She likes things to stay the way they are. She gets very scared if you go away then come back. At night she likes to sleep on the bed. She has her own spot up by my pillow with her head on it, my arm around her and the blanket a little over her lol. Her favorite food is chicken. When ever we eat that she will be over meowing her head off and acting silly for some. She also likes the cat food that has the blocks and the juice. She will like all the juice from her bowl then move on to turtles. If you don't feed her right away she will harass you for hours lol. She does like to play a little bit but only if she is the only cat in the room. She doesn't really like turtle. They fight quit a bit.
OK on to Turtle...
Turtle likes to hunt bugs. She will meow at them and jump at them and eat them. Turtle always has to be doing some thing. She is always looking at some thing or playing with some thing. She barley sleeps. She has a spot on the top of the third floor where she sleeps and hides out. When you are on your way to bed she will be looking down at you. When she is playing she will run in and out of the room howling this long weird howl. She gets scared of the weirdest things. When it hails she will hide under the keyboard of the computer desk and stays there. When the window washer comes she will look at him and get all bushy and run.She doesn't like the door bell. She doesn't really like to cuddle yet. She is about 2 and a half now. We got her from the pound. When we first got her she had a stomach problem and was sick for a few weeks. She caught some bacteria or some thing from her surgery of getting fixed. She is a sweet cat though. If you aren't paying attention to her she will come over and tap at you till you pat her on the head. She doesn't like it when people come to the door she gets all wild looking and runs and hide. She is the type of cat who likes to explore things so she would love to go outside. However we are afraid she wouldn't come back. When we are eating dinner she will like to sit at one end of the table and watch. At the end of course. She is always wanting to see what we are doing. She doesn't really sit down and cuddle. and if she does decide to come over to you and lay with you it is only for a short period of time.
Thanks for that Jenn, your cats are really lovely :)
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thanks for adding them to the website. They look really cool here :)
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