Thursday, August 2, 2007

Oliver & Poppy's first taste of Catnip!

Spot the difference! Oliver with his Precious - Super Catnip Ball!

I've been meaning to try out Catnip on the two fur babies for a while. Today when I was in the pet shop picking up some fish food for our goldfish Mr. Jaws I spotted the ideal thing. The Super Catnip Ball! It's basically a little wooden ball, hollow, with a removable top. You open it up, pop in the catnip and watch the effect on your moggies! Oliver and Poppy LOVE it! Check out the video below of them enjoying it :) I think they are hooked!


Anonymous said...

Ever seen the Woody Allen film "Sleeper?" Reminds me of the people at that party passing around the "drug orb."

Very stoned cats you have there.

Sandra said...

I have to hide the box of catnip in a high cupboard out of Olivers reach! When it was in a drawer he kept trying to break in to it!